Friday, January 9, 2015

TRUST -- Recruitment Process

The importance of trust
From the beginning of the recruitment process, there should be clear and honest communication between the employer and the candidate. As websites like become increasingly popular with job seekers, millennials can find out what kind of an experience they can expect during their application process and companies should ensure that theirs is both enriching and transparent at every point for the candidate.
Ultimately the main point I took from talking to the graduates was that company recruiters need to think like brand managers. This is crucial.
Employees are perhaps the most important brand ambassadors that a company has: by creating a strong, positive and, dare I say it, fun employer brand, you’ve created the best advertisement to attract graduates. Google experiences around 10,000 applications each week because of their clever employer branding; theirs is surely the shining example for other employers aspiring to attract millennial attention.
Reputation is everything, and by showing an understanding and a response to the interests and needs of the candidate demographic, employers can ensure that they will be approached by dedicated and like-minded applicants who will be proud of their place in that company

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