Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Payroll Process ---------

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Strategic Plan for Employee Compensation and Benefits

Strategic Plan for Employee Compensation and Benefits

A strategic plan for employee compensation determines how much you want to pay employees and what type of employees you want to attract. Your compensation plan entails a variety of aspects including pay scales, reward programs, benefits packages and company perks. A successful strategic compensation plan allows your business to compete in the market for the best employees in your industry.

Attracting Quality Employees

Your strategic plan for compensation plays a large role in attracting competent employees. Paying wages at or above the prevailing wage in the market for your company's industry allows you to demand workers with more experience and positive work histories. Employing more qualified workers leads to better results, including higher productivity and customer service interactions. This can increase your company's revenue and help your business establish its identity with consumers.

Rewards for Performance

A compensation strategy may also include rewards for employees based on workplace performance. This may include a commission-based system that rewards employees for total amount of sales or for consistent positive feedback from customers. A reward system should be easy for employees to understand and attainable enough at its lower levels to encourage employees to work harder to reach higher goals. A reward system with performance levels too high for employees to reach early on in the process won't encourage harder work because employees will simply ignore it.

Encouraging Employee Retention

Retaining quality workers requires a strategic plan for compensation that rewards employees for company loyalty. Compensation based in part on seniority with the company shows new employees that your business values workers who choose to remain with the company long-term. This encourages new employees to make a commitment to build a career with your business and deters established employees from jumping to other companies. Experienced workers will think twice about pursuing another opportunity if the new job also comes with a pay cut.

Perks and Benefits

Perks and benefits can make or break your company's ability to attract the best and brightest in your industry. Offering health insurance benefits to full-time workers should be a goal of your strategic compensation plan. You can combine health insurance with other company perks, including paid holidays and guaranteed paid vacation time, to attract more qualified workers to your business. Your decision to offer these benefits is also contingent on the success of your company. You may choose to add health care coverage and paid time off to your benefits package only after your company is showing profitability or makes it past the first year.


Welcome to the PREHR Digital HR Professional Learning Network!

Welcome to the PREHR Digital HR Professional Learning Network!

The Digital HR Academy offers a variety of online HR /Payroll professional development opportunities focused on the Current Practical HR Standards and the Smarter Balanced Assessment … Please check back regularly to see of new options becoming available.


    • Hand-on Exercises - 70 % of training time is dedicated to hands-on exercises. We want to ensure that you really get grounded in our the Subject matter
    • Case Study based course material - Our Course is based on latest case studies. We do not believe in giving gyan and generalisation. In our trainings, we will discuss and conduct inquiry into lots of case studies. That will help you to understand how HR/Payroll  is actually getting implemented.
Topic to be covered –
1) Indian Payroll Management
2) Recruitment & Selection
3) Statutory Compliance Management
Call For more Assistance & Syllabus, Online Academy Details.

call - 9860422727

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


International & Expatriate Payroll

This course covers all of the issues a business needs to know when dealing with international employees.
Whether you are:
  • bringing foreign nationals to work in the India
  • posting Indian nationals to work abroad
  • running local payrolls in other countries
Our course will explain what you need to do, and when. With globalisation of business, the international secondee is becoming the norm in companies from large to small. Indian employer obligations will still apply to many of these employees – make sure that you don’t fall foul of the rules.
The course can also be run as an in-house programme, and can be tailored to include legislative detail on the particular jurisdictions you work with.

Call - Nikhil   9860422727

PAYROLL Certified

Friday, January 9, 2015

Career as Payroll --Job Responsibility of Payroll Administrator -Blog-Nikhil Konde

As a payroll administrator it would be your job to make sure that people are paid correctly and on time. If you're good with numbers and would like an important role in an office, this job could suit you.
You will need to manage your time and be organised so you can meet strict deadlines. You'll also need to pay close attention to detail and work accurately

The work

As a payroll administrator you would make sure that people get paid on the right date and receive the correct amount of money. You could work in a company’s accounts team, or for a payroll bureau that provides payroll services for other companies. You may be working to strict payment deadlines.
Your work would usually include:
  • checking how many hours employees have worked
  • calculating and issuing pay by cash, cheque or electronic transfer
  • deducting tax and PF,ESI,PT,LWF 
  • processing holiday, sick and maternity pay and expenses
  • calculating overtime, shift payments and pay increases
  • answering staff queries about timesheets or pay slips
  • issuing FORM 16and other tax forms.
You will have an understanding of the legislation and rules in areas such as tax payment and exemption. You would also be offering advice on which forms need to be used in different situations. For instance, claiming maternity pay or a tax refund.
You may also provide assistance to the human resources department within your company. This could include offering payroll support to new staff and completing paperwork for staff who are leaving ,Full n Final Settlement.
You may also be expected to do general administrative work such as filing, photocopying and typing.
In some jobs you may also be known as a payroll clerk.


In a full-time job you would usually work, 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Part-time and temporary work are both widely available.
You would normally be based in an office. You could spend most of your time working at a computer.

Call For More Info & Career -  Nikhil  9860422727  

TRUST -- Recruitment Process

The importance of trust
From the beginning of the recruitment process, there should be clear and honest communication between the employer and the candidate. As websites like become increasingly popular with job seekers, millennials can find out what kind of an experience they can expect during their application process and companies should ensure that theirs is both enriching and transparent at every point for the candidate.
Ultimately the main point I took from talking to the graduates was that company recruiters need to think like brand managers. This is crucial.
Employees are perhaps the most important brand ambassadors that a company has: by creating a strong, positive and, dare I say it, fun employer brand, you’ve created the best advertisement to attract graduates. Google experiences around 10,000 applications each week because of their clever employer branding; theirs is surely the shining example for other employers aspiring to attract millennial attention.
Reputation is everything, and by showing an understanding and a response to the interests and needs of the candidate demographic, employers can ensure that they will be approached by dedicated and like-minded applicants who will be proud of their place in that company